The villa is located on the south-west site of Koufonissi Island.The distance from the port is approximately 800m, from the sea 15m and from the village about 300m!
Ferry timetables and tickets to Koufonissi
AEGEAN/OLYMPIC AIR has an everyday flight from Athens to Naxos airport.Tickets at : www.olympicair.com
Important phone on Koufonissi Island:
Police: +30 22850 71375
Health Practice: +30 22850 71370
Community: +30 22850 71379
Naxos Health Centre: +30 22850 23333
Koufonissi Travel Agency: +30 22850 71438
Taxi-Roussetos: +30 6945 042 548
ZAZ TRAVEL Naxos: +30 22850 23330
NAXOS passengers tours: +30 22850 25329, +30 22850 24581
Naxos Port Authority: +30 22850 22300
Amorgos Port Authority: +30 22850 71259
Piraeus Port Authority: +30 210 4226000-4, +30 210 4511310-17